יום ד Date: 29 Shevat, 5775 (2/18/15) – Kesuvos#16 {Tani}
DANCING AWAY [16b top] Braisa: If a woman’s Kesuvah was lost, hidden or burned, and the spouses disagree if she was a …
DANCING AWAY [16b top] Braisa: If a woman’s Kesuvah was lost, hidden or burned, and the spouses disagree if she was a …
OPEN BARRELS [16b bottom] R’ Adda son of Ahavah: At a Besulah (virgin)’s wedding, they would pass a closed barrel of wine …
LIFE VALUE [15b middle] R’ Yosef quoting R’ Yehudah quoting Shmuel: We do not (simply) follow the “majority rules” principle regarding cases …
MOVING SPEECHES [15a top] Gemarah: A man that is from questionable origin is ruled along with the majority of the populace. [The …
LIGHT DISSENSION [14b bottom] R’ Yose: An incident once happened with a young girl who went to draw water from a spring …
GOLDEN SILENCE [14b bottom] R’ Shimon ben Elazar (interpreting R’ Meir): If an individual is called a Mamzer (an illegitimate child) by …
METAPHORICALLY SPEAKING [13a bottom] R’ Assi: When a woman “speaks” with a ‘strange’ man (ie: one other than her husband) it means she …
MONKEYS SEE [13a top] Mishnah: If an unmarried woman, who is pregnant, identifies the father as a Kohen, we do not trust …
TRUTHFULLY SPEAKING [12b middle] Gemarah (quoting the Mishna): If a man marries a woman and finds her to not be a Besula …
INTIMATE ENCOUNTERS [12a middle] Mishnah: One who eats at his father-in-law’s house (between the time of betrothal and the time of marriage) …