שבת Date: 2 Sivan, 5774 (5/31/14) – RoshHashana#23 {Tani}
SHARING KNOWLEDGE [23a bottom] R’ Yochanan: A myrtle in the wilderness is a tree which goes unappreciated where no one can benefit …
SHARING KNOWLEDGE [23a bottom] R’ Yochanan: A myrtle in the wilderness is a tree which goes unappreciated where no one can benefit …
HOPEFUL WOMEN [23a top] Gemarah: There is a debate as to when we should light the torches on mountains to notify the …
GAMBLERS [22a middle] Mishna: The following are ineligible to give testimony regarding the new moon: Those who play with dice (gamblers), those …
DOCTOR in the House [22a top] Mishna: Tuvia the Doctor once came with his son and slave to give testimony of the …
Thirsty? [21b bottom] Rav and Shmuel argue as to whether King Shlomo was as knowledgeable as Moshe, and Pasukim are brought to …
Half-FULL [21a top] Levi discusses Yom Kippur and calls it the “Big Day.” We also know that the Shabbos before Pesach is …
Our SPECIAL Land [20a middle] Gemarah: There are two reasons to add an extra day to the month of Elul: to keep …
The PROCESS [20a top] Gemarah: There is a specific Mitzvah to sanctify the new month based on witnesses’ visualization of the moon. …
MITZVAH POWER [19a middle] Rav Tovi bar Masnah [quoting Megillas Taanis]: The Romans decreed against the Jews not to learn torah, not …
HOLE-Y [19a bottom] Braisa: A glass vessel may only be purified by rendering it unusable; ie: by making a HOLE in it. …