יום ה Date: 22 Tishrei, 5774 (10/16/14) – Yevamos#12 {Tani}

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[12b top] Rava: The co-wife of an Aylonis [a woman who has signs of masculinity and cannot have children (modern day Turner syndrome)] is permitted to the Yavam, even if the husband knew about the Aylonis’s condition.

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Even in the Gemarah’s times, modern day and unusual conditions were prevalent. However, this should not be news to us. We learned over Sukkos in Koheles, “There is nothing new under the sun.” Pirkei Avos teaches, “Delve in it and delve in it, for everything is in it.” Every thing that we think is new is actually contained within the Torah, and has been around for many centuries. Conditions that may be thought of as “new” (like Turner syndrome) were really talked about many moons ago (as in the case of an Aylonis). We should delve into Torah daily, because truly, everything is within it.

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