יום ה Date: 2 Shevat, 5778 (1/18/18) – Avodah Zara Daf 3 ~ Eliezer Guterman
[3a top] Gemarah: When Hashem rebuked the other nations of the world for not following their own commandments they retorted, “But did the Jews do any better?” To which Hashem responded, “I will testify on their behalf that they fulfilled the entire Torah.”
D-E-ep Thoughts: It is much easier to lower someone else to gain an upper hand, rather than working on ourselves to become elevated. We must not look for the “easy” ways out and focus only on positivity and real spiritual growth.
Today’s P.I.P. (Put Into Practice) TIP: When opportunities arise for criticism and evil speech, we must remember to hold back our tongues and lead through being shining examples.