יום ג Date: 2 Adar, 5777 (2/28/17) – Bava Basra Daf 37 ~ Tani Guterman
DEVIOUS DENSITIES [37b middle] Rava: If one sold trees that were planted too densely together, the buyer does not receive any land …
DEVIOUS DENSITIES [37b middle] Rava: If one sold trees that were planted too densely together, the buyer does not receive any land …
GIANT GENEROSITY [37a bottom] R’ Akiva: “A seller interprets the terms of a sale generously.” [If a man owns a field with …
ALLOWABLE ARGUMENTATION [36a bottom] R’ Yishmael: Plowing does not establish a Chazakah (legal acquisition by right of possession). R’ Akiva: Plowing does …
FLAWED FIELDS [29a middle] R’ Nachman: If one is squatting on a ‘cracked’ (inferior/holey) field, he does not acquire it by living …
DIVIDING DONKEYS [35a bottom] Mishnah: If a man exchanges a cow for a donkey and it calves, and similarly if a man …
COMMUNITY CONCERNS [35b top] R’ Chiya: A man who robs the public is not considered a robber in the legal sense, [R’ …
PROPER PRIESTHOOD [31b bottom] Mishnah: R’ Yehudah: We do not raise a person to a Kehunah (priestly) status on the basis of …
FLIP-FLOPPERS [31a middle] R’ Nachman: Since a Beis Din (Jewish court) awards one party as the victor, they may also later change …
STINKY SENSES [25a top] Mishnah: One must distance animal carcasses, graves, and tanneries fifty Amos from a town (so as not to …
DISPROPORTIONATE DUNG [25a top] Abba bar Zavda (some say Abba bar Zutra): If one is winnowing, he must distance himself from his …