יום ג Date: 11 Nisan, 5775 (3/31/15) – Kesuvos#57 {Tani}
PROPER TIME [57a bottom] Mishnah: A future Besulah (virgin) bride is given twelve months (to prepare for the wedding) from when a …
PROPER TIME [57a bottom] Mishnah: A future Besulah (virgin) bride is given twelve months (to prepare for the wedding) from when a …
SELF WORTH [57b top] R’ Chisda: When Eliezer asked Rivka to return with him (to be a wife for Yitzchak), Lavan asked …
RIGHTFUL STIPULATIONS [56a bottom] R’ Meir: If a man says to a woman, “You are hereby betrothed to me on the conditions …
HOLY CONNECTIONS [56a middle] Rava: Cohabitation is normally performed at night, but it is also permitted during the day, if in a …
COMMUNICATION LINES [55a middle] Gemarah: If a husband designated a piece of land (for his wife’s Kesuvah) and defined its four borders, …
REAL DEALS [55a bottom] Gemarah: If an appointment is made through a ‘Kinyan Sudar’ (acquisition through a handkerchief) this “Chalipin” undoubtedly signifies …
INTRODUCING ASB’s [54a middle] R’ Yoseph: Once a widow is involved with beautification procedures (painting her eyes or braiding her hair), she …
METER MILES [54a bottom] Gemarah: The ‘boundaries of Nehardea’ extend to as far as the “Kav” unit is used in measurements. R’ …
NOVEL NOTIONS [53b top] Ravin came to Bavel from Israel and recited a ruling in Reish Lakish’s name. However, Abaye instructed the …
INTIMIDATING INDIVIDUALS [53a top] Yehudah ben Mereimar to R’ Pappa (outside of Abba of Sura’s house): I should not go inside because …