יום א Date: 21 Shevat, 5776 (1/31/16) – Gittin Daf 49 {Tani}
WANTED WEDDINGS [49b middle] R’ Shimon: More than a man wants to be wed, a woman desires to be married. Prac-T-cal Tidbits: …
WANTED WEDDINGS [49b middle] R’ Shimon: More than a man wants to be wed, a woman desires to be married. Prac-T-cal Tidbits: …
DISSUADING DAMAGERS [49b top] R’ Shimon: Thieves and damagers are forced to pay back restitution from the best of their lands, in …
MISPLACED MONIES [48b bottom] Gemarah: One who finds lost property need not swear (that he/she did not find even more), for the …
INEFFECTUAL INTENTIONS [48a top] Ritva: The Gemarah did not mention the possibility of making a land sale with a stipulation that Yovel …
PARTING POSSESSIONS [47a top] Reish Lakish would sit with no comforting cushions, and would spend all his money on food and drinks …
IGNOBLE IGNORANCE [47a top] R’ Ami: There are differences between people who blatantly eat forbidden foods rebelliously (Mins), rather than those who …
STRONG SANCTIFICATIONS [46a middle] Rabbanan: The Jews did not slay the gibeonites to ensure a sanctification of G-d’s name (but really the …
DEVIOUS DRIVES [46b top] R’ Nosson: Making a Neder (vow) is like building a Bamah (an unauthorized altar for sacrifices). [Nedarim 22] …
CHEAPENING CHATTER [45b bottom] Abaye offered an arab woman some small dates in exchange for a small bag of Tefillin. She became …
BIRD BABBLE [45a bottom] R’ Ilish, while in jail, was told by a man listening to the ravens and doves that the …