יום ג Date: 24 Elul, 5776 (9/27/16) – Bava Kama Daf 119 {Tani}
STEALING SOULS [119a bottom] R’ Yochanan: Anyone who steals from his friend (even just a Shevah Pruta) is considered as if he …
STEALING SOULS [119a bottom] R’ Yochanan: Anyone who steals from his friend (even just a Shevah Pruta) is considered as if he …
DESTRUCTIVE DESTROYERS [119a middle] R’ Huna and R’ Yehudah argue regarding the property of an informer; One says that it is permitted …
MISAPPROPRIATED MILK [118b bottom] Mishnah: One should not buy milk from a shepherd. Since his job is watch other people’s animals, he …
BALANCING BILLS [118a middle] Gemarah: If A thinks that he owes B money but B does not have a claim against him, …
DISTURBING DEMOTIONS [117a bottom] R’ Kahana rightfully killed a man, for what the man was threatening to do. Rav advised him to …
COMPLETE COUNTINGS [117a bottom] Rav advised R’ Kahana not to ask R’ Yochanan questions during his lectures for seven years [as this …
DIVINE DEVOTEES [116b bottom] Rava: According to the principle of Rav, workers can even quit in the middle of their work day …
FRIGHTENING FAUNA [116a bottom] R’ Safra was traveling with a caravan when a lion joined them and started traveling with them (protecting …
BROKEN BARRELS [115b bottom] Braisa: If a man has ten barrels of Tamei Tevel (impure untithed produce) and he noticed one of …
TAILORED TALMEDIM [115a middle ] Gemarah: Since R’ Huna was a student of Rav, it would not make sense for him to …