יום ו Date: 20 Elul, 5776 (9/23/16) – Bava Kama Daf 115 {Tani}
[115b bottom] Braisa: If a man has ten barrels of Tamei Tevel (impure untithed produce) and he noticed one of them had become broken or uncovered [rendering it forbidden to drink from (out of concern that a snake drank from it and left its venom inside)], he may say, “Let this barrel be the Terumas Ma’aser with respect to the other nine barrels [and he will have fulfilled his obligation of tithing].”
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: When we do Hashem’s Mitzvos, He always works it out somehow that we will not be “losing” anything in the process. Not only are we rewarded with unfathomable reward in the next world for fulfilling G-d’s commandments, but many times we actually gain back physically that which we spend (ie: when we give Tzedakah and spend money on tuition, we are guaranteed to have that money returned as a reward).