יום ב Date: 10 Nisan, 5775 (3/30/15) – Kesuvos#56 {Tani}

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[56a bottom] R’ Meir: If a man says to a woman, “You are hereby betrothed to me on the conditions that you have no claims on me for food, clothing, or intimacy,” she is betrothed to him, but his stipulations are void [because stipulations that run counter to Torah law are always nullified (as a husband is required to provide these three things Biblically)].

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should always try to remember that ideas contrary to Torah laws are never “okay.” We must stand strong to G-d’s ideals, especially in our modern society. There is too much ‘political correctness’ that breaks down spiritual walls. Immorality, immodesty, and harming one’s self are depicted as “normal” behavior and are pushed to become “accepted.” Even when it is not the popular decision, we must hold on to Torah values tightly.