יום ה Date: 29 Iyar, 5774 (5/29/14) – RoshHashana#21 {Tani}
[21b bottom] Rav and Shmuel argue as to whether King Shlomo was as knowledgeable as Moshe, and Pasukim are brought to support their points [such as “lo kam navi od biyisroel k’Moshe” (there never was another prophet like Moshe…)].
T’s lesson: Shlomo Hamelech, the wisest of all men, still had a yearning to be as knowledgeable as moshe, who was granted 49 gates of understanding (missing only one about Hashem’s essence). Shlomo did not stop at wisdom; he had but wanted to accumulate more, for knowledge. We should also never be complacent in our Torah learning and should always want to accumulate more by having a thirst for Torah knowledge.