יום ג Date: 27 Iyar, 5774 (5/27/14) – RoshHashana#19 {Tani}
[19a middle] Rav Tovi bar Masnah [quoting Megillas Taanis]: The Romans decreed against the Jews not to learn torah, not to observe Shabbos, and not to do Bris Milah (circumcision). R’ Yehudah ben Shamua and his friends eventually protested and had the decrees revoked in the nighttime [as per a roman woman’s advice] and thereby established the day of the ban reversal as a Holiday.
T’s lesson: We can see how powerful these three mitzvos are that the Romans wanted to withhold the Jews from doing these commandments. We should be careful to always learn Torah, do Milah, and observe Shabbos as best possible. These Mitzvos have such power that even the Romans were worried about them being performed and had them banned [because they realized how very important they are].