יום ו Date: 1 Sivan, 5774 (5/30/14) – RoshHashana#22 {Tani}

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[22a middle] Mishna: The following are ineligible to give testimony regarding the new moon: Those who play with dice (gamblers), those who lend with interest, those who race doves, those who do business during Shemittah (7th year) on produce from the land, and slaves.

T’s Lesson: At first glance it seems strange of which people the mishna pinpoints that are not allowed to give testimony. However, these mentioned people are those in the business of making money through sketchy, shady, and unwholesome methods. In order to be held as a reliable witness for the new moon, one has to be an honest, truthful, upright person, and these people by definition do not fit the bill. The torah wants us to be “Tamim”, wholesome, to Hashem, honest and just in our dealings. We should strive to be honest and truthful every day in our daily routines.