שבת Date: 25 Shevat, 5775 (2/14/15) – Kesuvos#12 {Tani}
[12b middle] Gemarah (quoting the Mishna): If a man marries a woman and finds her to not be a Besula (virgin) – She claims to have been violated after Erusin (engagement) took place [and the husband would now have to pay her Kesuvah money). However, since it is likely that she consented to be with a man before they were engaged, the marriage is considered a mistaken acquisition [and he would not have a Kesuvah payment]. R’ Yehousha: “Not by her mouth do we live (she is not believed, unless she brings proof for her words).” Pirkei Avos [1:18]: “On three things the world endures: justice, truth, and peace.” Her words are not necessarily the truth and therefore does not assure the continued existence of the world (Talmidei Rabbenu Yonah, Radbaz from Shitah Mekubetzes and Ritva 13a).
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: It is of the utmost importance that all of our words are always truthful, as the existence of the world depends on it! We must make sure to distance ourselves from lies and falsehood [even “white lies” that do not openly “harm anyone” always end up hurting someone (even if indirectly)]. We should work on our verbal expressions so that when we speak our words are truthfully spoken.