שבת Date: 25 Shevat, 5775 (2/14/15) – Kesuvos#12 {Eliezer}

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[12a middle] Mishnah: One who eats at his father-in-law’s house (between the time of betrothal and the time of marriage) in Judaea (where this was common practice) without witnesses, cannot raise the claim (after the marriage) regarding his bride’’s virginity, because he has secluded himself with her (and we suspect that he might have had intimate relations with his bride).

D-E-ep Thoughts: The Torah and Rabbis are very aware of human nature and our susceptibility to err in cases of high temptation. The laws of Yichud (not to be alone in a room with the opposite sex before marriage) are very logical and helpful. Whenever we encounter  various laws that we may be unfamiliar with, we must remember that the entire Torah is only given to us to lead the best lives possible (both in this world and the next).