יום א Date: 26 Shevat, 5775 (2/15/15) – Kesuvos#13 {Tani}
[13a bottom] R’ Assi: When a woman “speaks” with a ‘strange’ man (ie: one other than her husband) it means she cohabited with him. The Mishnah uses a euphemism when talking about the act, as it is written, “She eats (has relations), wipes her mouth (cleans herself afterwards), and exclaims, ‘I have done no wrong.'”
Prac-T-cal Tidbits#1: One should be careful to limit his/her interactions with the other gender as much as possible [reserving them for one’s spouse/family]. It is imperative to maintain proper boundaries and keep healthy distances from ‘strangers’ (those to whom we should not be specifically close).
Prac-T-cal Tidbits#2: When we talking about sensitive/private subjects matters, we should learn to use suggestive and code speech. We must make sure that we know how to control our speech, as it has great power, by learning to use constraint (which reveals ultimate strength).