יום ג Date: 28 Shevat, 5775 (2/17/15) – Kesuvos#15 {Tani}
[15b middle] R’ Yosef quoting R’ Yehudah quoting Shmuel: We do not (simply) follow the “majority rules” principle regarding cases concerning saving lives (rather, the minority opinions must be taken in account as well).
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: In today’s in ‘modern’ society world, where life is cheap, it is truly fascinating to note how far the Torah goes to stress the importance of every single soul. As opposed to those who live for death (ie: terrorists and suicide bombers) WE inherently value life as a precious and miraculous gift. We should make sure to live every day to its fullest while appreciating this opportunity and life that we have been blessed with.