יום ג Date: 28 Shevat, 5775 (2/17/15) – Kesuvos#15 {Eliezer}

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[15a top] Gemarah: A man that is from questionable origin is ruled along with the majority of the populace. [The rules regarding majority: An undefined something/someone that is separated from a mixture, we rule according to the majority, but something/someone that is still within a mixture is regarded as “fixed” and may not be simply ruled along with the majority and gets a 50:50 tag].
Mordechai [GM’ Chulin]: If a Bes Din (Jewish court) has a diversified vote, and they are all sitting (hence “stationary”) with a 50:50 vote, how would they ever be allowed to carry out capital punishment (because they would never have the ruling of a “majority”)? Really the WORDS themselves are the verdict, and those are moving [both physically (as sound waves through the air), and as spiritually energy (that created physical realities)].

D-E-ep Thoughts: Just as G-d “spoke” creation into actuality (G-d said, “Let there be light,” and there was light), all of our speech carries creative/destructive energies. We must never use words in ways we would not wish things to be. We are all portions of G-d (as there is nothing other than Him) and we are tasked with molding our world into the most magnificent sculpture of spiritual beauty that we can imagine.