יום ב Date: 27 Shevat, 5775 (2/16/15) – Kesuvos#14 {Tani}
[14b bottom] R’ Yose: An incident once happened with a young girl who went to draw water from a spring and an unknown man violated her (lo aleinu). R’ Yochanan ben Nuri said that if the majority of townspeople are fit to have their daughters and widows marry Kohanim, then this girl can marry a Kohen as well (as we Halachically assume the violator was of the majority).
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: One should seek to be a part of the crowd when it comes to doing good deeds. One who thinks that he/she is “more special” or “too cool” is only fooling him/herself. Hashem sees each person as unique and so does one’s family and friends. Individuals should not seek negative attention by distancing from the majority. It is important to be a part of the community to help the group strive as a whole. When one truly and selflessly works for others, this will indeed make his/her light shine ever brighter.