שבת Date: 1 Nisan, 5775 (3/21/15) – Kesuvos#47 {Tani}
PROPER SUPPORT [47b bottom] Rava: The Braisa’s author maintains that a husband’s obligation to support his wife monetarily is Biblical in nature …
PROPER SUPPORT [47b bottom] Rava: The Braisa’s author maintains that a husband’s obligation to support his wife monetarily is Biblical in nature …
MONEY HIRES [46a middle] R’ Yehudah: A defamer (one who falsely accuses his wife of adultery) is not liable until he hires …
INSULAR GATES [45b middle] Rabbis taught in a Braisa: This plural word of “שעריך” is used to teach that an idol worshipper …
FOLLOWING THROUGH [44a bottom] Mishnah: If a woman converted and then got pregnant, her child is Jewish in all aspects. If she …
SUPPORTIVE RIGHTS [43a middle] Gemarah: In regards to owning a Jewish slave, the verse states, “for it is good for him WITH …
DIFFICULT MATTERS [42b middle] Rabbah and R’ Yosef had difficulty with a matter for twenty-two years and it was not resolved until …
HAZARDOUS MATERIALS [41b bottom] R’ Nosson: One may not raise a vicious dog in his house and may not keep a rickety …
STATURE NOTWITHSTANDING [40a middle] Mishnah: Compensation for humiliation is all according to the stature of both the humiliator and humiliated person. Rashi: …
SILKY TEARS [39b top] R’ Nachman quoting Rabbah bar Avuha: A seduced girl does not receive compensation for her pain experienced because, …
LASER FOCUS [38a middle] A Sage in the Academy of Chizkiyah: When the verse says, “an eye for an eye,” the Torah …