יום ה Date: 21 Adar, 5775 (3/12/15) – Kesuvos#38 {Tani}

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[38a middle] A Sage in the Academy of Chizkiyah: When the verse says, “an eye for an eye,” the Torah implies compensation is given only for the person’s loss of an eye from an injury (but not an eye and a life for it).
Tosephos: Just as when one hurts and kills someone simultaneously with one blow, only the greater punishment of the two is given, so too, if one gives two blows (both hurting and killing someone at the same time) only the greater punishment (of death) is given.

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: There needs to be focus on a most significant action and the Torah emphasizes this lesson. We cannot equally give our attention to two different physical operations simultaneously. In order to maximally benefit from a task, we need to focus on one thing at a time. When our spouses or friends are trying to talk to us, we should not be playing on our phones and only give half of our divided attention. Especially when it comes to Holy matters, as in Torah study, we should concentrate our entire beings and delve completely into our subject matters.