יום ב Date: 25 Adar, 5775 (3/16/15) – Kesuvos#42 {Tani}
[42b middle] Rabbah and R’ Yosef had difficulty with a matter for twenty-two years and it was not resolved until R’ Yosef, upon the death of Rabbah, sat at the head of the academy and resolved it.
Rashi: G-d assisted R’ Yosef (who took over for Rabbah after his death), upon his installation , to resolve this matter in order to augment his reputation, because R’ Yosef was ‘simply’ known for his vast knowledge of Tannaic and Ammoraic teachings (rather than for his sharpness like Rabbah was famous for).
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We are taught שינוי מקום, שינוי מזל (when one changes his/her “place,” the individual’s ”fortune” in life changes as well). Sometimes we may work on matters endlessly, but no avail. We may just need is to change our places/positions in life to resolve the difficulties. If we have trouble with any matters, we should try changing our places (ie: mindsets, positions, etc…) to change our own fortunes and resolve any problems at hand.