יום ו Date: 29 Adar, 5775 (3/20/15) – Kesuvos#46 {Tani}
[46a middle] R’ Yehudah: A defamer (one who falsely accuses his wife of adultery) is not liable until he hires witnesses to corroborate his claim. [We learn this ruling from a Gezeiras Shavah comparing the two words “שימה” (placing) [of “He placed upon her a wanton accusation” and, “Do not place upon him interest.” Just as by interest “placing” involves money, so too here by the accuser, “placing” must mean a use of money as well (as to hire acting ‘witnesses’).]]
Prac-T-cal Tidbits#1: Many times we are very quick to throw the book at someone and accuse him without proper proof. A person needs to stand impartially and not judge prematurely. We also must make sure there is not false evidence being used. We should always keep an even head while still giving people the benefit of the doubt.
Prac-T-cal Tidbits#2: The Gemarah taps into the verse discussing interest. We may not think that interest is such a big deal because it is done everywhere! Society is rampantly using it on mortgages, loans, etc. Hashem teaches us it is a matter of principle of ethics. If someone borrows $1,000, we have no right to charge him/her back even one cent more. We have to always remain upright individuals in all matters (especially monetary ones). We are tasked with being the “light unto the nations,” and making Kiddush Hashems (glorifications of G-d’s name) in everything that we do.