יום ד Date: 27 Adar, 5775 (3/18/15) – Kesuvos#44 {Tani}
[44a bottom] Mishnah: If a woman converted and then got pregnant, her child is Jewish in all aspects. If she got pregnant, converted, and then gave birth, the child is Jewish (but the baby is not legally related to her father). If the woman gave birth, and then converted with the child, the child is considered a convert (but has a different form of execution if she would commit adultery as a betrothed youth than a full Jewess would).
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Many times the original part of an action and its completion may have differing effects and outcomes than we might not think of. If a person pledges to give charity and then does not end up doing so, the individual hurts those who were relying on him/her. Just as it is important to determine exactly when this lady converted (for the status of her child), so too it is important to follow through on the origin of all of our ideas through their implementation (thereby helping all of those around us).