שבת Date: 23 Adar, 5775 (3/14/15) – Kesuvos#40 {Tani}

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[40a middle] Mishnah: Compensation for humiliation is all according to the stature of both the humiliator and humiliated person.
Rashi: Humiliation inflicted by a person of average stature is more severe than that inflicted by someone who is worthless or more important.
Ran: In regards to violation/seduction, the more lowly the assailant, the greater the shame.

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should always be careful of embarrassing and humiliating others [especially those closest to us such as our spouses and families, who we are in the most frequent relationships with (as they may get most easily offended)] and especially when in view of the public (as that becomes most shameful). We should make sure to try our best to never hurt others in any way, regardless of stature, as we are all one big (hopefully happy) family.