יום ו Date: 22 Adar, 5775 (3/13/15) – Kesuvos#39 {Tani}
[39b top] R’ Nachman quoting Rabbah bar Avuha: A seduced girl does not receive compensation for her pain experienced because, as an analogy explains, it is similar to a person who says to a friend, “tear my silks and be exempt from payment.” If a person specifically tells someone else to damage his/her property, that damager becomes exempt from payment [since the girl was willingly involved in the act, she waived her right to payment for pain].
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Many times we get upset at other people when we ask them to do something for us and the result is not a positive one. If we directly asked for help, how can we logically be mad? If something is originally agreed upon, people may not demand extra compensation later. Everyone is ultimately responsible for his/her own actions and must take responsibility without showing any emotional ‘silky tears’ of anger.