יום א Date: 24 Adar, 5775 (3/15/15) – Kesuvos#41 {Tani}

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[41b bottom] R’ Nosson: One may not raise a vicious dog in his house and may not keep a rickety ladder. Devarim [22:8]: “You shall not place blood in your house.”
Chiddushei Aggadis Maharsha [Bava Kamma 15b]: Even if these items pose little hazard to the members of the household (who are familiar with the risky items), it is nonetheless forbidden to maintain these hazardous materials because others who enter the property might be injured.

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should always be careful to avoid all forms of hazardous materials (for ourselves and our guests). This applies not only to spiritual matters as well. Just as physical (live) wires are unsafe for children, so too are inappropriate materials unsafe for our souls.