יום ג Date: 26 Adar, 5775 (3/17/15) – Kesuvos#43 {Tani}

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[43a middle] Gemarah: In regards to owning a Jewish slave, the verse states, “for it is good for him WITH YOU“. This teaches that the slave is to be given the same food, drink, and lodging as the master, while disallowing a master to let his Jewish slave work without pay.

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should always be careful to treat our brethren with proper respect, even if they are forced to take upon difficult situations such as servitude (or a nowadays equivalent of begging for Parnassah (livelihood) amongst different communities). Even if one has no money to give, one should have empathy and a kind word or smile for others. We should always greet people in good spirits and help motivate others to continue their quests until they reach their goals.