יום ה Date: 28 Adar, 5775 (3/19/14) – Kesuvos#45 {Tani}
[45b middle] Rabbis taught in a Braisa: This plural word of “שעריך” is used to teach that an idol worshipper is stoned at the gate of the city where he/she worshipped idols, unless the city has a majority of idol worshippers within it [if that is the case, then this sinner is stoned at the entrance of the Jewish courthouse instead].
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should never use our surroundings, our “gates” around us, as excuses for our improper behaviors (G-d forbid). If our friends are not acting appropriately (worshiping money, fame, or lust), it is no excuse us to join on in. We need to make sure to protect our gates, surround ourselves with the best influences possible, and keep learning to grow stronger in our Avodas Hashem (worship of G-d).