יום ב Date: 25 Adar, 5775 (3/16/15) – Kesuvos#42 {Tani}
DIFFICULT MATTERS [42b middle] Rabbah and R’ Yosef had difficulty with a matter for twenty-two years and it was not resolved until …
DIFFICULT MATTERS [42b middle] Rabbah and R’ Yosef had difficulty with a matter for twenty-two years and it was not resolved until …
MORNING GLORY [42a middle] Mishnah: If a father claimed that a man violated his daughter and the man denies it, swears falsely, …
HAZARDOUS MATERIALS [41b bottom] R’ Nosson: One may not raise a vicious dog in his house and may not keep a rickety …
NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENTS [41a top] Mishnah: If one admits to seducing a girl, he is obligated to pay for the embarrassment and depreciation …
STATURE NOTWITHSTANDING [40a middle] Mishnah: Compensation for humiliation is all according to the stature of both the humiliator and humiliated person. Rashi: …
SAFETY FIRST [40a top] Rav Zevid to Rav Kahana: We only apply the principle of, “Asei Doche lo Sa’aseh” (a positive commandment …
SILKY TEARS [39b top] R’ Nachman quoting Rabbah bar Avuha: A seduced girl does not receive compensation for her pain experienced because, …
PROPHYLACTIC MEASURES [39a top] R’ Bibi quoting a Braisa before R’ Nachman: Three girls are allowed/required to use contraceptives as the alternative …
LASER FOCUS [38a middle] A Sage in the Academy of Chizkiyah: When the verse says, “an eye for an eye,” the Torah …
AGREEING CONTRADICTIONS [38b middle] R’ Akiva is quoted once in a Braisa and once in a Mishnah by two different Tanaaim with …