שבת Date: 23 Adar, 5775 (3/14/15) – Kesuvos#40 {Eliezer}

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[40a top] Rav Zevid to Rav Kahana: We only apply the principle of, “Asei Doche lo Sa’aseh” (a positive commandment overrides a negative one), when there is no other choice in the matter [ie: circumcision with a Tzaraas (spiritual skin disease) affliction on the foreskin].
R’ Rosner: There is a debate whether the prohibition is just pushed aside or it does not even exist in this case.
R’ Tatz: If the concept of Aveiros (prohibitions) is to keep us on track in this world (physically and spiritually), then they are “not needed” when one has complete G-dly altruistic motivations. In these special cases, [GM’ Horayos 10b] R’ Nachman ben Yitzchak: An “Aveirah Leshma” (a transgression performed with good intention) is (even) more meritorious than the performance of a (positive) commandment with no intent.” [Ie: (Shoftim 4:21) Yael seduced the enemy Sisera before she drove a spike through his head.]

D-E-ep Thoughts: We must always remember the purpose of our Mitzvos and Aveiros related actions. We are here to fulfil G-d’s commandments, but they are instituted for us to be able to live the best physical and spiritual lives possible [while becoming closer to G-d]. A mother may give her oldest child cautionary rules for how to remain safe by not entering into a street (and would punish him if he disobeyed). But, if her baby crawled out into the middle of a street and the older brother darted out and saved the baby from oncoming traffic, she would be pleased with his actions. Since we are not able to honestly assess our actions as being filled with only the purest of intentions, we must make every effort to follow the ‘safety rules’ of our Father in Heaven.