9 Adar II, 5774 (3/11/14) – Sukkah#36 {Eliezer}
(commentators below are as explained by R’ Shalom Rosner) Radvaz: An esrog with small blemishes (not that noticeable, unless you look very …
(commentators below are as explained by R’ Shalom Rosner) Radvaz: An esrog with small blemishes (not that noticeable, unless you look very …
Gemarah: Various details of the four species should be kept beautiful throughout the holiday. It specifically details the esrog, about how it …
R’ Avahu: Instead of reading in the Torah that an esrog should be הָדָר Hudur (beautiful), rather read the word as הַדָר …
R’ Avahu: Hashem says that the Jewish people should be like the reeds which grows by the water (kosher for lulav), which …
R’ Asi in the name of R’ Yochanan: The following three laws are brought down as traditions from Moshe Rabbeinu: 1) A …
Rabbanan: A lulav does not have to be tied to be kosher. However, if you do tie it, the knot must have …
Rashi: Q: Why does the Gemarah list each one of the four species’ requirements separately? Instead, why does it not just state …
Abaye: The pasuk of “all the ways of torah are sweet and all its paths are peace” teaches us that the branch …
Based on R’ Shalom Rosner Rashi: Mitzvos (like Lulav) are not given for their benefit. They are not intended to bring us …
A Salty Situation By: Eliezer [Based on the teachings of: R’ Leiby Burnham and R’ Akiva Tatz] What’s the deal with all …