9 Adar II, 5774 (3/11/14) – Sukkah#36 {Eliezer}

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(commentators below are as explained by R’ Shalom Rosner)

Radvaz: An esrog with small blemishes (not that noticeable, unless you look very closely) is still Kosher. His reasoning is due to how the Gemarah terms a faulty esrog as: it “looks spotted.” His point is further reinforced by Rashi; who says it matters how “it appears to the eyes.” R’ Shlomo Zalman Auerbach says one should use the distance of a normal arms length to examine it (not up close), and that is still considered Hadar (beautiful).

E’s lesson: There is no absolute perfection in our physical limited capabilities. Even a “perfect esrog” under an electron microscope will reveal some ‘flaws.’ G-d teaches us that it is not about what we ultimately accomplish, but rather the efforts we strive to attain. If you search and find an esrog that “looks” to be beautiful, in the Halachick realm, it becomes as if it actually is. Physicality helps to define what spirituality is; and spirituality then redefines our physicality. We are “partners” in G-d’s constant creation. Never underestimate or (Heaven forbid) abuse your magnificent potential, and always put in the required work without worry of too lofty a goal.