6 Adar II, 5774 (3/8/14) – Sukkah#33 {Tani}

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Rabbanan: A lulav does not have to be tied to be kosher. However, if you do tie it, the knot must have permanence, and be able to last a while.

T’s Lesson: Just like the knot has to be permanent/fixed (if you do tie the lulav), so too should you try to make your learning permanent/fixed. One should not say “I’m only going to learn today because I have some extra time.” Rather, as Pirkei Avot teaches us, one needs to make torah learning Kavua (permanent). The “set learning time” may be reciting a D’var Torah at the Shabbos table at each meal, or learning something every day at a specified time (i.e. learning the daf yomi every morning before work).