7 Adar II, 5774 (3/9/14) – Sukkah#34 {Tani}
R’ Avahu: Hashem says that the Jewish people should be like the reeds which grows by the water (kosher for lulav), which is in abundance. However, the Jewish people make themselves analogous to tsaftsafah (a type of plant that has white elements, round leaves, and a sickle shape, which grows in the mountains and these are not Kosher to be used as aravos).
T’s Lesson: We should try as hard as possible to fulfill our potential that Hashem lays out for us. We should be like reeds/aravos by the water, full to the brim with mitzvos and good deeds, and not like the tsaftsafah which are lacking in fulfilling their potential (being sparse and unfulfilling).