יום ה Date: 16 Cheshvan, 5776 (11/17/16) – Bava Metzia Daf 52 ~ Tani Guterman
ERASING EROSIONS [52a top] Gemarah: One may not sell an eroded coin [that has reached its limit where it cannot even be …
ERASING EROSIONS [52a top] Gemarah: One may not sell an eroded coin [that has reached its limit where it cannot even be …
PIOUS PAINS [52b middle] Mishnah: If he recognizes it (as a problematic coin), he should accept it back from him even after …
FRAUDULENT FEES [51a top] Mishnah: Both buyers and sellers are subject to the prohibitions of price fraud. Not only does it hold …
LUXURIOUS LOSERS [51a bottom] Gemarah: There is a common saying that goes, “When you have sold something, you have lost.” [A seller …
PREMATURE PARTIES [50a top] Gemarah: When the merchants of Lod heard that R’ Tarfon ruled that a third of the price of …
CATEGORICAL COMMANDMENTS [50b top] R’ Tarfon and the Rabbis argue about the parameters of Ona’ah (the prohibition of over/under charging). RambaN: The …
TRANSCENDING TREASURES [49a bottom] R’ Pappi quoting Ravina: Even if R’ Tevus (or R’ Shmuel bar Zutra) was offered all the treasures …
MAGNIFICENT MEALS [49a middle] R’ Yochanan ben Masya’s son hired workers for his father and made a commitment to feed them. His …
REPAYING RETRIBUTIONS [48a top] Gemarah: Hashem will exact retribution from one who does not abide by his word, just like he enacted …
PREDETERMINED PLOTS [48a top] Gemarah: Hashem exacted retribution from the Egyptians [who kept promising to let us go, but did not do …