יום ב Date: 13 Cheshvan, 5776 (11/14/16) – Bava Metzia Daf 49 ~ Tani Guterman

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[49a bottom] R’ Pappi quoting Ravina: Even if R’ Tevus (or R’ Shmuel bar Zutra) was offered all the treasures in the world, he would never deviate from his word.

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Although people tend to fall prey to their evil inclinations, it may be especially tempting when there is an option for personal gain [ie: talking evil about another person that will also help the gossiper look better]. On the other hand, sometimes putting a price on a violation will help define the proper choice more clearly [ie: offering someone $100 to transgress a prohibition clearly flags the action as an improper silly choice of earning ‘pennies’ versus losing out on eternity]. Either way, we should all strive to make proper choices and never deviate from G-d’s straight and narrow path.