יום ד Date: 15 Cheshvan, 5776 (11/16/16) – Bava Metzia Daf 51 ~ Eliezer Guterman

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[51a bottom] Gemarah: There is a common saying that goes, “When you have sold something, you have lost.” [A seller is viewed as the ‘losing’ party in a transaction.]
Rayvid: But a seller is actually winning because he is gaining money?!
Rashba: Since some people only sell things because they are in dire straits (and desperately need the money), it might be logical to use this principle reason for specific laws for all sellers in general.

D-E-ep Thoughts: We only usually get rid of things if we need something else [ie: needing cash for payments, or the space that the objects are occupying]. It is important to recognize what we should be valuing in our lives. We must weigh what is most important and ‘fit’ those things into our schedules and our homes. When we learn to value spirituality and holiness, if we ever have to ‘let go’ of physical pleasures, we will only be gaining as winners and moving upwards in life.