יום ה Date: 16 Cheshvan, 5776 (11/17/16) – Bava Metzia Daf 52 ~ Eliezer Guterman

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[52b middle] Mishnah: If he recognizes it (as a problematic coin), he should accept it back from him even after twelve months.
Rav Chisda: This is referring to an exceptionally pious man [a “Chassid”] (who will accept an eroded coin even after the allotted time for returning has passed).
Gemarah: The next line in the MIshnah which explains that “he” only has complaining (and no actual legal rights to a claim) cannot seem to be referring to the seller who is piously accepting the money back.
Rashi: For if one want to be pious, and go above and beyond the letter of the law, he should not be complaining about how hard it is to do the right thing.

D-E-ep Thoughts: Our Yetzer Haras (evil inclinations) always make the ‘wrong’ choices the most easiest and appetizing. It is actual hard work to overcome physical base desires and that is why we are rewarded for doing so. Since we are commanded to “serve Hashem with Joy,” we must not complain, whine, or cry about how difficult life (choices) may be. When we recognize that everything we get is coming with love and grace from Hashem, we are able to act even more “Chassidishly” with much happiness and joy.