יום א Date: 19 Shevat, 5775 (2/8/15) – Kesuvos#6 {Tani}
UNINTENTIONALLY UNAVOIDABLE [6a middle] R’ Shimi bar Chizkiyah quoting Rav: It is forbidden to push a cloth into a barrel as a …
UNINTENTIONALLY UNAVOIDABLE [6a middle] R’ Shimi bar Chizkiyah quoting Rav: It is forbidden to push a cloth into a barrel as a …
GUARANTEED RESULTS [6b bottom] Rabbah quoting R’ Shimon: A “Davar She’aino Miskavein” (a normally prohibited act that is done without the original …
SPIKY EARS [5a bottom] Bar Kappara: The verse states, “You shall have a spike in addition to your weapons (Azeinecha),” “Oznecha” means your …
PRESENT FOCUS [5a top] R’ Zeira: A bride and groom may not make their wedding on a Motze Shabbos (Saturday night) because …
TRUE COMMISERATION [4b bottom] Gemarah: A spouse observes the laws of mourning along with the other spouse if there was a loss …
MARTIAN MEN [4b top] Gemarah: A wife in mourning is allowed certain intimate situations with her husband, but a husband who is …
DANGEROUS GOVERNORS [3b middle] Braisa: From the “time of danger and on,” when it became dangerous to marry on a Wednesday, the …
ONE LOVE [3a top] Gemarah: The Rabbis have the power to uproot/dissolve even a Biblical marriage. Ritva: Marriages are all done ‘on …
PROMOTING WELFARE [2a middle] Gemarah: The Mishna teaches that a Besulah (virgin) should be married on a Wednesday. The sages recommended this …
PRIVATE SCREENINGS [2a middle] R’ Yoseph was bewildered by a statement and exclaimed, “Master of Avraham!” [aka: OMG!] D-E-ep Thoughts: When we …