יום ו Date: 17 Shevat, 5775 (2/6/15) – Kesuvos#4 {Tani}

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[4b bottom] Gemarah: A spouse observes the laws of mourning along with the other spouse if there was a loss of a close relative (lo aleinu, we should never know from such things) in the actual house of mourning, out of respect for the spouse. Similarly Rav told R’ Chiya his son, when R’ Chiya’s father-in-law passed away, that in his wife’s presence, he should observe the laws of mourning [but not necessitated when he was away from her presence (either physically in front of her, in the same house, or in the same city)]. Ritva: Nowadays, we do not apply this stringency.

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should always be concerned and worried to partake in our spouse’s respect and honor. We should always make sure to respect them and honor them in all situations. We must take care of all of their wants and needs; specifically to also make them feel respected like a king/queen always.