יום ד Date: 15 Shevat, 5775 (2/4/15) – Kesuvos#2 {Tani}
[2a middle] Gemarah: The Mishna teaches that a Besulah (virgin) should be married on a Wednesday. The sages recommended this practice for the men to be able to prepare food for the wedding feast [and Sheva Brachos (the week following the ceremony)] for three consecutive days (Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday) and then marry his bride on Wednesday.
Artscroll notes: This way the husband will not have to detract from spending time with his new bride to prepare and arrange food for the week.
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: The Rabbis instituted enactments for the benefit of all Jews. There is extra sensitivity placed on the needs and emotional states of newlyweds (especially the wives). We should always try our utmost to be sensitive to the needs of others, especially for peace in our homes with our spouses and children.