יום ה Date: 16 Shevat, 5775 (2/5/15) – Kesuvos#3 {Tani}

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[3b middle] Braisa: From the “time of danger and on,” when it became dangerous to marry on a Wednesday, the people became accustomed to marry on a Tuesday.
Rabbah: The government made decrees that Besulos (virgins) who are married on Wednesdays must have relations with the governor first.

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should always be wary and cautious to too hastily trust in a government. Even if they are on “good terms” with the Jews, anyone can turn in an instant (ie: the Greeks, Romans, Germany, etc.). Pirkei Avos: Most officials only do things that benefit themselves. We must be careful not to put too much trust in them (or any human beings) as we recognize that only G-d is truly in charge and running the world.