יום ה Date: 22 Tishrei, 5774 (10/16/14) – Yevamos#12 {Tani}
NOTHING NEW [12b top] Rava: The co-wife of an Aylonis [a woman who has signs of masculinity and cannot have children (modern …
NOTHING NEW [12b top] Rava: The co-wife of an Aylonis [a woman who has signs of masculinity and cannot have children (modern …
SIMPLE SITUATIONS [12b middle] The Rabbis: Women (even when possibly endangering themselves) may be intimate with their husbands because G-d will not …
PRECISELY SPEAKING [11b bottom] Braisa: If a man remarries his divorcee illegally (after she had been married to someone else) and then …
WASTED WATERS [11b bottom] Mishna: When two women, one Pasul (unfit to marry a Kohen) and one Kosher (fit to marry …
NOT IF, BUT WHEN [10a bottom] R’ Ashi: There is an additional case [of a man’s paternal brother who violates the prohibition …
BASKET BREAD [10a bottom] Tosephos [R’ Yehudah]: Cases where a man betrothed a women that was forbidden to him, but never had …
DEFENSIVE ATTACKS [9a bottom] Gemarah: When Beis Hillel and Beis Shammai argue, it is not looked at as an argument because we …
NOTHIN’ EXTRA [8b bottom] The Rabbis quoting R’ Yosi bar Chanina: If one performs Yebum (a brother marries his deceased brother’s wife) …
RECONNECTING PIECES [8b bottom] The Rabbis quoting R’ Yosi bar Chanina: If one performs Yebum (a brother marries his deceased brother’s wife) …
INNOVATIVE REASONING [7b bottom] King Yehoshaphat’s court innovated a new aspect of Rabbinic law (regarding someone who went to the Mikvah after having …