יום ד Date: 21 Tishrei, 5774 (10/15/14) – Yevamos#11 {Tani}
[11b bottom] Braisa: If a man remarries his divorcee illegally (after she had been married to someone else) and then he dies childless, his wife and her co-wife require Chalitzah. Gemarah: Rather, either wife (not both) would perform Chalitzah and would exempt the other.
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: The words of every Braisa are important. Misreading one word can throw off the whole meaning of what the Gemarah is trying to teach. Many times, when reading through the Daf (page), we may skim the lines and totally misconstrue what is being taught, if we miss even one word. We should try to make sure to fully comprehend the meaning of what we are involved in by reading all the words carefully whenever we learn.