שבת Date: 17 Tishrei, 5774 (10/11/14) – Yevamos#7 {Tani}
[7b bottom] King Yehoshaphat’s court innovated a new aspect of Rabbinic law (regarding someone who went to the Mikvah after having an emission, but was still awaiting nightfall, that the person may not enter the Levite camp). This was a stricter rule than was already in place Biblically.
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: The rabbis enforce stricter rules in order to safeguard the Torah and to ensure more compliance with the law [ie: Muktzeh, (not being allowed to touch or use things on Shabbos that might bring one to becoming involved with work of the 39 forbidden labors)]. We should be as careful to follow Rabbinic rulings as much as we are stringent to follow the Biblical verse commandments themselves.