יום ג Date: 20 Tishrei, 5774 (10/14/14) – Yevamos#10 {Tani}
[10a bottom] R’ Ashi: There is an additional case [of a man’s paternal brother who violates the prohibition of marrying someone who was with his father, and dies without any children, which leaves the woman to fall to him, the paternal son, for Yebum and would exempt the other co-wives from Chalitzah and Yebum] which the author of the Mishna does not include, because the Tanna does not wish to talk about cases that can occur only “IF” the deceased man married the woman unlawfully (and would be in violation of a law).
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Many times we get caught up with the “WHAT IF” aspects of our lives. What if I don’t get money? What if i don’t do well on my test? What if I mess up the deal? We have to learn from this Gemarah to deal with things WHEN they come. If a person gets caught up in the “What If’s” of life, his life will be consumed by worry, and stress, and one will lack proper Bitachon and trust in Hashem.