יום ב Date: 27 Elul, 5774 (9/22/14) – Chagigah#14 {Tani}
Cut It Down [14a top] R’ Nachman bar Yitzchak: The verse of “those who were cut down” is written as a blessing. …
Cut It Down [14a top] R’ Nachman bar Yitzchak: The verse of “those who were cut down” is written as a blessing. …
Modest Appearance [13b bottom] Ezekiel had a “vision of the Merkavah.” He was able to see a face (as one may reveal …
Irritable Much? [12b bottom] Reish Lakish: One who engages in Torah study at night is endowed with charm during the day by …
But a Word [11a bottom] Braisa: A Mikvah’s (ritual bath’s) size is learned from the verse, “He shall immerse in the water …
Peppers and Melons [10a bottom] Rava (some say R’ Nachman bar Yitzchak): When explaining how good Shmuel’s teaching was, “One sharp pepper …
Missin’ Out [9b middle] Hillel explained to Bar Hey-Hey: When the verse speaks about someone who is lacking something, the expression “to …
Specify This! [8b bottom] R’ Yochanan: When one has a lot of animal offerings to bring (ie: 10), they can be split …
No Limits [7a top] GM’ quotes [Mishnah in Pe’ah]: There are the Mitzvos (commandments) that have no measure: Pe’ah (food to be …
The Child’s Needs [6a top] Abaye: A mother brings a child to rejoice in Jerusalem on the festivals once the child is …
Fistful o’ Figs [5a top] R’ Yochanan saw a man gathering figs to take the not yet ripe ones on a journey …