יום ה Date: 23 Elul, 5774 (9/18/14) – Chagigah#10 {Tani}

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Peppers and Melons

[10a bottom] Rava (some say R’ Nachman bar Yitzchak): When explaining how good Shmuel’s teaching was, “One sharp pepper is better than a basketful of melons.” [Even though a pepper is small, it is sharper than many other condiments combined (although other Taana’im disagreed with Shmuel, his teaching was much better than all of theirs)].

T’s Lesson: The importance of one person should never be underestimated. One’s personal ability and logic may be stronger than many others. Every single person has the ability to effect change and bring about great results. We must never think that as individuals we are too insignificant and unimportant.