יום ד Date: 22 Elul, 5774 (9/17/14) – Chagigah#9 {Tani}

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Missin’ Out

[9b middle] Hillel explained to Bar Hey-Hey:  When the verse speaks about someone who is lacking something, the expression “to be counted” is written instead of to “be filled.” This alludes to one whose friends counted on him to do a Mitzvah but he did not join them and lost the opportunity to do the Mitzvah which he can never get back.

T’s Lesson: Any time we are invited to do a Mitzvah, we should rush to take part because lit is an opportunity that we can never get back. We must always try to accomplish all Mitzvos that we are specifically asked to do (aside from those which we can accomplish without even having to be asked to do).